- 購滿$49或以上免運費。每件包裹運費$7(不計大小、重量)。
- 我們一定要送出你信用卡的地址. 如果你的邮寄地址不對你的信用卡地址, 我們會退錢出你的信用卡, 然後你要重新在開一個新的訂單。
- 本公司採用USPS 或UPS (已包含追蹤,保險,簽收服務),2至3個工作日出貨(具體時間因地區而異)。閣下可在綫查詢包裹狀況。
Ordering and Shipping
- We provide free shipping on orders over $49; otherwise it's a $7 shipping fee for orders up to $49.
- Your billing address must match your credit card on file. Please make sure you input your shipping address correctly. Once an order is shipped out, we are unable to recall a package back to us if the address is incorrect.
- We ship all orders within 2-3 business days.
- Orders are shipped via USPS or UPS shipping service, which includes tracking, insurance, and requires your signature upon receipt.
- 購滿$49或以上免運費。每件包裹運費$7(不計大小、重量)。
- 我們一定要送出你信用卡的地址. 如果你的邮寄地址不對你的信用卡地址, 我們會退錢出你的信用卡, 然後你要重新在開一個新的訂單。
- 本公司採用USPS 或UPS (已包含追蹤,保險,簽收服務),2至3個工作日出貨(具體時間因地區而異)。閣下可在綫查詢包裹狀況。
Ordering and Shipping
- We provide free shipping on orders over $49; otherwise it's a $7 shipping fee for orders up to $49.
- Your billing address must match your credit card on file. Please make sure you input your shipping address correctly. Once an order is shipped out, we are unable to recall a package back to us if the address is incorrect.
- We ship all orders within 2-3 business days.
- Orders are shipped via USPS or UPS shipping service, which includes tracking, insurance, and requires your signature upon receipt.